Thursday, February 17, 2011

Exercise is the devil!

Yesterday was Day 6 (of 21) of the Quantum Wellness Cleanse... and it was the day I was dreading...  Exercise day.

The Day 6 chapter of Kathy Freston's Quantum Wellness Cleanse gently nudges you to get your ass moving and do something as far as working out goes.  Now is probably a good time to confess that, with every fiber of my being, I absolutely hate the idea of "working out."  The idea of going to a gym and hanging out with a bunch of bicep-flexing meat heads just makes me want to hurl.  I mean, it REALLY does.  You can curl 50 pounds?  Wow, really?  Who gives a crap!?!? (By the way, I know that's not really what the gym is like but just indulge me, ok?)

Anyway, I guess I consider myself more "cerebral"... I could (and do) spend hours on end researching things, reading, learning, but the idea of spending even 20 minutes a day on an elliptical machine is just maddening.  I do, however, love being outdoors.  I love taking long walks with my dogs and I really love hiking.  That is the sort of "working out" I can actually do and enjoy (and if you haven't figured it out yet, if I don't enjoy something there is very little chance that I'll actually do it).

So I decided that I would bite the bullet and take the dogs on an a.m. walk.  It was nice.  I got to see the sunrise and the dogs were happy as hell.  However, I had just the tiniest hint of a migraine headache before the walk and should have known better than to do anything that gets the blood pumping.  Within about 30 minutes after my walk it felt like my head would explode right off my shoulders.  Today, Day 7, I am still dealing with the migraine.  Needless to say, there will be no exercise today.

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